www.downeastgunworks.com http www.facebook.com Jim Green, gunsmith and owner of GunWorks of Harrington, ME, shows how he blues rifles, pistols, and shotguns at GunWorks. GunWorks is located in scenic DownEast Maine, and Jim Green is a Marine Corps veteran of Desert Storm. GunWorks accepts not only local business, but business outside of the State of Maine. See his website for more information, pictures, hints, and tips! Music: Kevin MacLeod
Tags: firearm, gun bluing, bluing, parkerizing, bullets, birdshot, bird shot, ball ammo, hunting, hunt, smoothbore, musket, black powder, smoothbore musket, pump action, shotgun, Browning, Springfield, M14, M21, hunting rifle, gun, revolver, M1911, Walther, scope, pistol, flintlock rifle, tutorial, Winchester, S&W, Smith & Wesson, Glock, Remington, Bangor, Maine, Ellsworth, gunsmith, ammunition, Downeast Maine, ammo, gun repair, instructional video, Ruger, trigger assembly, gun shops, Harrington, Milbridge, 9mm
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