Some entertaining sniper gameplay & the most amount of kills I've gotten in a Team Assault game. Enjoy. Don't forget to give this video a like/dislike because it helps a lot. No commentary on this because the gameplay speaks for itself. This is probably the last Medal of Honor video I will upload to this channel. I should have some CoD commentaries uploaded soon. --- Follow me on t3h Twitter:
Tags: EPIC, SNIPER, GAMEPLAY, Medal, of, Honor:, Team, Assault, M24, Rifle, moh, video, game, collateral, no, scope, pistol, honor, beta, frontline, hd, playstation3, m4, m16, siper, pc, call, duty, black, ops, modern, warfare2, consoles, xbox, slim, cod7, microsoft, nintendo, sony, cod4, cod6, cod5, world, at, war, desert, eagle, Afghan, demo, 360, playstation, derail, estate, favela, highrise, invasion, karachi, quarry, rundown, rust, scrapyard, skidrow, sub, base, terminal, underpass, wastland, multiplayer, reach, fps, gaming, weapons
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